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With an angry wafture of your hand,
Gave sign for me to leave you.

      — Julius Caesar, Act II Scene 1


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Shakespeare text statistics

Quick facts

  • The plays contain 34,895 total speeches spoken by 1,223 characters.
  • There are 884,421 total words in Shakespeare's 43 works.
  • There are 28,829 unique word forms, and 12,493 occur only once.
  • Those unique words account for 43.3% of total word forms.
  • The top 10 most frequently occuring words make up 21.4% of all words.
  • The top 100 most frequently occuring words make up 53.9% of all words.
  • The top 1% most frequently occuring words make up 66.7% of all words.

Word count by genre

289,628 words
(32.7% of total)


283,011 words
(32.0% of total)


263,358 words
(29.8% of total)


30,909 words
(3.5% of total)


17,515 words
(2.0% of total)


Most-searched keywords

Searches Keyword
139,813 1
132,360 love
90,877 hate
71,205 blood
56,365 I
39,264 be
38,976 is
35,258 night
33,343 death
32,855 -1'
32,428 you
30,836 sleep
30,444 my
27,161 time
24,189 loved

See the top 500 keywords

Most-searched works

Searches Work
470,763 Macbeth
432,808 Hamlet
370,776 Romeo and Juliet
278,552 Othello
240,606 King Lear
178,719 Antony and Cleopatra
177,365 Twelfth Night
176,482 Henry V
174,076 Midsummer Night's Dream
168,787 Henry IV, Part I
163,910 Cymbeline
161,017 Coriolanus
159,209 As You Like It
156,816 All's Well That Ends Well
154,526 Henry IV, Part II

See the full list

Word frequency

Top 15 word forms,
by frequency of occurence

28,944 the
27,317 and
21,120 i
20,136 to
17,181 of
14,945 a
13,989 you
12,949 my
11,513 in
11,488 that
9,545 is
8,855 not
8,293 with
8,043 me
8,003 it

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Biggest roles

Top 15 characters,
by number of speeches

471 Falstaff
409 Richard III (Duke of Gloucester)
377 Henry V
358 Hamlet
274 Othello
272 Iago
253 Antony
210 Timon
204 Cleopatra
201 Rosalind
194 Brutus
194 Vincentio
189 Coriolanus
188 Lear
183 Henry VI

See all the characters

Play lengths

Most speeches


Antony and Cleopatra




Troilus and Cressida





Fewest speeches


Midsummer Night's Dream


King John


Richard II


Titus Andronicus


Comedy of Errors

See all plays by number of speeches

Average speech length

Number of words per speech

35.26 Richard II
33.45 King John
31.33 Titus Andronicus
31.26 Henry VIII
30.62 Henry V
30.61 Winter's Tale
29.49 Merchant of Venice
28.16 Cymbeline
27.80 Henry IV, Part I
27.62 Henry VI, Part II
27.45 Henry VI, Part I
27.29 Midsummer Night's Dream
26.03 Henry IV, Part II
25.60 Henry VI, Part III
24.87 As You Like It

See average speech lengths for all plays

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