Speeches (Lines) for Duke of Norfolk
# | Act, Scene, Line (Click to see in context) |
Speech text |
1 |
Richard III (Duke of Gloucester). My Lord of Norfolk,— Duke of Norfolk. Here, most gracious liege. |
2 |
Richard III (Duke of Gloucester). Norfolk, we must have knocks; ha! must we not? Duke of Norfolk. We must both give and take, my gracious lord. |
3 |
Richard III (Duke of Gloucester). Up with my tent there! here will I lie tonight;
Duke of Norfolk. Six or seven thousand is their utmost power. |
4 |
Richard III (Duke of Gloucester). Good Norfolk, hie thee to thy charge;
Duke of Norfolk. I go, my lord. |
5 |
Richard III (Duke of Gloucester). Stir with the lark to-morrow, gentle Norfolk. Duke of Norfolk. I warrant you, my lord. |
6 |
(stage directions). [Enter NORFOLK] Duke of Norfolk. Arm, arm, my lord; the foe vaunts in the field. |
7 |
Richard III (Duke of Gloucester). Come, bustle, bustle; caparison my horse.
Duke of Norfolk. A good direction, warlike sovereign.
8 |
Richard III (Duke of Gloucester). Off with his son George's head! Duke of Norfolk. My lord, the enemy is past the marsh
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