Open Source Shakespeare

Speeches (Lines) for Duke of Norfolk
in "Richard III"

Total: 8

# Act, Scene, Line
(Click to see in context)
Speech text



Richard III (Duke of Gloucester). My Lord of Norfolk,—

Duke of Norfolk. Here, most gracious liege.



Richard III (Duke of Gloucester). Norfolk, we must have knocks; ha! must we not?

Duke of Norfolk. We must both give and take, my gracious lord.



Richard III (Duke of Gloucester). Up with my tent there! here will I lie tonight;
But where to-morrow? Well, all's one for that.
Who hath descried the number of the foe?

Duke of Norfolk. Six or seven thousand is their utmost power.



Richard III (Duke of Gloucester). Good Norfolk, hie thee to thy charge;
Use careful watch, choose trusty sentinels.

Duke of Norfolk. I go, my lord.



Richard III (Duke of Gloucester). Stir with the lark to-morrow, gentle Norfolk.

Duke of Norfolk. I warrant you, my lord.



(stage directions). [Enter NORFOLK]

Duke of Norfolk. Arm, arm, my lord; the foe vaunts in the field.



Richard III (Duke of Gloucester). Come, bustle, bustle; caparison my horse.
Call up Lord Stanley, bid him bring his power:
I will lead forth my soldiers to the plain,
And thus my battle shall be ordered:
My foreward shall be drawn out all in length,
Consisting equally of horse and foot;
Our archers shall be placed in the midst
John Duke of Norfolk, Thomas Earl of Surrey,
Shall have the leading of this foot and horse.
They thus directed, we will follow
In the main battle, whose puissance on either side
Shall be well winged with our chiefest horse.
This, and Saint George to boot! What think'st thou, Norfolk?

Duke of Norfolk. A good direction, warlike sovereign.
This found I on my tent this morning.



Richard III (Duke of Gloucester). Off with his son George's head!

Duke of Norfolk. My lord, the enemy is past the marsh
After the battle let George Stanley die.