Open Source Shakespeare

Pericles, Prince of Tyre

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Act I, Scene 3

Tyre. An ante-chamber in the palace.



  • Thaliard. So, this is Tyre, and this the court. Here must I
    kill King Pericles; and if I do it not, I am sure to
    be hanged at home: 'tis dangerous. Well, I perceive 375
    he was a wise fellow, and had good discretion, that,
    being bid to ask what he would of the king, desired
    he might know none of his secrets: now do I see he
    had some reason for't; for if a king bid a man be a
    villain, he's bound by the indenture of his oath to 380
    be one! Hush! here come the lords of Tyre.

[Enter HELICANUS and ESCANES, with other Lords of Tyre]

  • Helicanus. You shall not need, my fellow peers of Tyre,
    Further to question me of your king's departure:
    His seal'd commission, left in trust with me, 385
    Doth speak sufficiently he's gone to travel.
  • Thaliard. [Aside] How! the king gone!
  • Helicanus. If further yet you will be satisfied,
    Why, as it were unlicensed of your loves,
    He would depart, I'll give some light unto you. 390
    Being at Antioch—
  • Thaliard. [Aside] What from Antioch?
  • Helicanus. Royal Antiochus—on what cause I know not—
    Took some displeasure at him; at least he judged so:
    And doubting lest that he had err'd or sinn'd, 395
    To show his sorrow, he'ld correct himself;
    So puts himself unto the shipman's toil,
    With whom each minute threatens life or death.
  • Thaliard. [Aside] Well, I perceive
    I shall not be hang'd now, although I would; 400
    But since he's gone, the king's seas must please:
    He 'scaped the land, to perish at the sea.
    I'll present myself. Peace to the lords of Tyre!
  • Helicanus. Lord Thaliard from Antiochus is welcome.
  • Thaliard. From him I come 405
    With message unto princely Pericles;
    But since my landing I have understood
    Your lord has betook himself to unknown travels,
    My message must return from whence it came.
  • Helicanus. We have no reason to desire it, 410
    Commended to our master, not to us:
    Yet, ere you shall depart, this we desire,
    As friends to Antioch, we may feast in Tyre.
