Open Source Shakespeare

The Merry Wives of Windsor

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Act V, Scene 2

Windsor Park.



  • Page. Come, come; we'll couch i' the castle-ditch till we
    see the light of our fairies. Remember, son Slender,
    my daughter.
  • Slender. Ay, forsooth; I have spoke with her and we have a 2515
    nay-word how to know one another: I come to her in
    white, and cry 'mum;' she cries 'budget;' and by
    that we know one another.
  • Robert Shallow. That's good too: but what needs either your 'mum'
    or her 'budget?' the white will decipher her well 2520
    enough. It hath struck ten o'clock.
  • Page. The night is dark; light and spirits will become it
    well. Heaven prosper our sport! No man means evil
    but the devil, and we shall know him by his horns.
    Let's away; follow me. 2525
