Open Source Shakespeare

History of Henry V

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Act IV, Scene 5

Another part of the field.



  • Constable of France. O diable! 2450
  • Duke of Orleans. O seigneur! le jour est perdu, tout est perdu!
  • Lewis the Dauphin. Mort de ma vie! all is confounded, all!
    Reproach and everlasting shame
    Sits mocking in our plumes. O merchante fortune!
    Do not run away. 2455

[A short alarum]

  • Constable of France. Why, all our ranks are broke.
  • Lewis the Dauphin. O perdurable shame! let's stab ourselves.
    Be these the wretches that we play'd at dice for?
  • Duke of Orleans. Is this the king we sent to for his ransom? 2460
  • Duke of Bourbon. Shame and eternal shame, nothing but shame!
    Let us die in honour: once more back again;
    And he that will not follow Bourbon now,
    Let him go hence, and with his cap in hand,
    Like a base pander, hold the chamber-door 2465
    Whilst by a slave, no gentler than my dog,
    His fairest daughter is contaminated.
  • Constable of France. Disorder, that hath spoil'd us, friend us now!
    Let us on heaps go offer up our lives.
  • Duke of Orleans. We are enow yet living in the field 2470
    To smother up the English in our throngs,
    If any order might be thought upon.
  • Duke of Bourbon. The devil take order now! I'll to the throng:
    Let life be short; else shame will be too long.
