Antony and Cleopatra
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Act IV, Scene 3
The same. Before the palace.
[Enter two Soldiers to their guard]
- First Soldier. Brother, good night: to-morrow is the day.
- Second Soldier. It will determine one way: fare you well.
Heard you of nothing strange about the streets?
- First Soldier. Nothing. What news?
- Second Soldier. Belike 'tis but a rumour. Good night to you.
- First Soldier. Well, sir, good night.
[Enter two other Soldiers]
- Second Soldier. Soldiers, have careful watch.
- Third Soldier. And you. Good night, good night.
[They place themselves in every corner of the stage]
- Fourth Soldier. Here we: and if to-morrow
Our navy thrive, I have an absolute hope
Our landmen will stand up.
- Third Soldier. 'Tis a brave army,
And full of purpose.
[Music of the hautboys as under the stage]
- Fourth Soldier. Peace! what noise?
- First Soldier. List, list!
- First Soldier. Music i' the air.
- Third Soldier. Under the earth.
- Fourth Soldier. It signs well, does it not?
- First Soldier. Peace, I say!
What should this mean?
- Second Soldier. 'Tis the god Hercules, whom Antony loved,
Now leaves him.
- First Soldier. Walk; let's see if other watchmen
Do hear what we do?
[They advance to another post]
- Second Soldier. How now, masters!
- All. [Speaking together] How now!
How now! do you hear this?
- First Soldier. Ay; is't not strange?
- Third Soldier. Do you hear, masters? do you hear?
- First Soldier. Follow the noise so far as we have quarter;
Let's see how it will give off.
- All. Content. 'Tis strange.