Speeches (Lines) for Gadshill
# | Act, Scene, Line (Click to see in context) |
Speech text |
1 |
(stage directions). [Enter Gadshill] Gadshill. Good morrow, carriers. What's o'clock? |
2 |
First Carrier. I think it be two o'clock. Gadshill. I pray thee lend me thy lantern, to see my gelding
3 |
First Carrier. Nay, by God, soft; I know a trick worth two of that, i' faith. Gadshill. I pray thee, lend me thine. |
4 |
Second Carrier. Ay, when? can'st tell? Lend me thy lantern, quoth
Gadshill. Sirrah carrier, what time do you mean to come to London? |
5 |
(stage directions). [Exeunt carriers] Gadshill. What, ho! chamberlain! |
6 |
Chamberlain. [Within] At hand, quoth pick-purse. Gadshill. That's even as fair as—at hand, quoth the
7 |
Chamberlain. Good morrow, Master Gadshill. It holds current that
Gadshill. Sirrah, if they meet not with Saint Nicholas'
8 |
Chamberlain. No, I'll none of it: I pray thee keep that for the
Gadshill. What talkest thou to me of the hangman? if I hang,
9 |
Chamberlain. What, the commonwealth their boots? will she hold
Gadshill. She will, she will; justice hath liquored her. We
10 |
Chamberlain. Nay, by my faith, I think you are more beholding to
Gadshill. Give me thy hand: thou shalt have a share in our
11 |
Chamberlain. Nay, rather let me have it, as you are a false thief. Gadshill. Go to; 'homo' is a common name to all men. Bid the
12 |
(stage directions). [Enter Gadshill, BARDOLPH and PETO] Gadshill. Stand. |
13 |
Falstaff. You lie, ye rogue; 'tis going to the king's tavern. Gadshill. There's enough to make us all. |
14 |
Peto. How many be there of them? Gadshill. Some eight or ten. |
15 |
Henry V. Speak, sirs; how was it? Gadshill. We four set upon some dozen— |
16 |
Falstaff. Sixteen at least, my lord. Gadshill. And bound them. |
17 |
Falstaff. You rogue, they were bound, every man of them; or I
Gadshill. As we were sharing, some six or seven fresh men set upon us— |
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