Speeches (Lines) for Duke/Earl of Somerset in "Henry VI, Part II"
Total: 11
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Act, Scene, Line
(Click to see in context) |
Speech text |
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I,1,182 |
(stage directions). [Exit]
Duke/Earl of Somerset. Cousin of Buckingham, though Humphrey's pride
And greatness of his place be grief to us,
Yet let us watch the haughty cardinal:
His insolence is more intolerable
Than all the princes in the land beside:
If Gloucester be displaced, he'll be protector.
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I,3,499 |
Richard Plantagenet (Duke of Gloucester). If York have ill demean'd himself in France,
Then let him be denay'd the regentship.
Duke/Earl of Somerset. If Somerset be unworthy of the place,
Let York be regent; I will yield to him.
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I,3,524 |
Winchester. The commons hast thou rack'd; the clergy's bags
Are lank and lean with thy extortions.
Duke/Earl of Somerset. Thy sumptuous buildings and thy wife's attire
Have cost a mass of public treasury.
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I,3,613 |
Duke of Gloucester. This doom, my lord, if I may judge:
Let Somerset be regent over the French,
Because in York this breeds suspicion:
And let these have a day appointed them
For single combat in convenient place,
For he hath witness of his servant's malice:
This is the law, and this Duke Humphrey's doom.
Duke/Earl of Somerset. I humbly thank your royal majesty.
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III,1,1361 |
(stage directions). [Enter SOMERSET]
Duke/Earl of Somerset. All health unto my gracious sovereign!
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III,1,1363 |
Henry VI. Welcome, Lord Somerset. What news from France?
Duke/Earl of Somerset. That all your interest in those territories
Is utterly bereft you; all is lost.
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III,1,1578 |
Richard Plantagenet (Duke of Gloucester). That Somerset be sent as regent thither:
'Tis meet that lucky ruler be employ'd;
Witness the fortune he hath had in France.
Duke/Earl of Somerset. If York, with all his far-fet policy,
Had been the regent there instead of me,
He never would have stay'd in France so long.
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III,1,1593 |
Richard Plantagenet (Duke of Gloucester). What, worse than nought? nay, then, a shame take all!
Duke/Earl of Somerset. And, in the number, thee that wishest shame!
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III,2,1714 |
Queen Margaret. How fares my lord? Help, lords! the king is dead.
Duke/Earl of Somerset. Rear up his body; wring him by the nose.
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IV,9,2876 |
Henry VI. Thus stands my state, 'twixt Cade and York distress'd.
Like to a ship that, having 'scaped a tempest,
Is straightway calm'd and boarded with a pirate:
But now is Cade driven back, his men dispersed;
And now is York in arms to second him.
I pray thee, Buckingham, go and meet him,
And ask him what's the reason of these arms.
Tell him I'll send Duke Edmund to the Tower;
And, Somerset, we'll commit thee thither,
Until his army be dismiss'd from him.
Duke/Earl of Somerset. My lord,
I'll yield myself to prison willingly,
Or unto death, to do my country good.
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V,1,3089 |
Richard Plantagenet (Duke of Gloucester). How now! is Somerset at liberty?
Then, York, unloose thy long-imprison'd thoughts,
And let thy tongue be equal with thy heart.
Shall I endure the sight of Somerset?
False king! why hast thou broken faith with me,
Knowing how hardly I can brook abuse?
King did I call thee? no, thou art not king,
Not fit to govern and rule multitudes,
Which darest not, no, nor canst not rule a traitor.
That head of thine doth not become a crown;
Thy hand is made to grasp a palmer's staff,
And not to grace an awful princely sceptre.
That gold must round engirt these brows of mine,
Whose smile and frown, like to Achilles' spear,
Is able with the change to kill and cure.
Here is a hand to hold a sceptre up
And with the same to act controlling laws.
Give place: by heaven, thou shalt rule no more
O'er him whom heaven created for thy ruler.
Duke/Earl of Somerset. O monstrous traitor! I arrest thee, York,
Of capital treason 'gainst the king and crown;
Obey, audacious traitor; kneel for grace.