Speeches (Lines) for Elbow
# | Act, Scene, Line (Click to see in context) |
Speech text |
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(stage directions). [Enter ELBOW, and Officers with FROTH and POMPEY] Elbow. Come, bring them away: if these be good people in
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Angelo. How now, sir! What's your name? and what's the matter? Elbow. If it Please your honour, I am the poor duke's
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Angelo. Benefactors? Well; what benefactors are they? are
Elbow. If it? please your honour, I know not well what they
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Angelo. What are you, sir? Elbow. He, sir! a tapster, sir; parcel-bawd; one that
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Escalus. How know you that? Elbow. My wife, sir, whom I detest before heaven and your honour,— |
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Escalus. How? thy wife? Elbow. Ay, sir; whom, I thank heaven, is an honest woman,— |
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Escalus. Dost thou detest her therefore? Elbow. I say, sir, I will detest myself also, as well as
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Escalus. How dost thou know that, constable? Elbow. Marry, sir, by my wife; who, if she had been a woman
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Escalus. By the woman's means? Elbow. Ay, sir, by Mistress Overdone's means: but as she
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Pompey. Sir, if it please your honour, this is not so. Elbow. Prove it before these varlets here, thou honourable
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Pompey. Once, sir? there was nothing done to her once. Elbow. I beseech you, sir, ask him what this man did to my wife. |
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Escalus. He's in the right. Constable, what say you to it? Elbow. First, an it like you, the house is a respected
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Pompey. By this hand, sir, his wife is a more respected
Elbow. Varlet, thou liest; thou liest, wicked varlet! the
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Escalus. Which is the wiser here? Justice or Iniquity? Is
Elbow. O thou caitiff! O thou varlet! O thou wicked
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Escalus. If he took you a box o' the ear, you might have your
Elbow. Marry, I thank your good worship for it. What is't
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Escalus. Truly, officer, because he hath some offences in him
Elbow. Marry, I thank your worship for it. Thou seest, thou
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Escalus. Come hither to me, Master Elbow; come hither, Master
Elbow. Seven year and a half, sir. |
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Escalus. I thought, by your readiness in the office, you had
Elbow. And a half, sir. |
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Escalus. Alas, it hath been great pains to you. They do you
Elbow. Faith, sir, few of any wit in such matters: as they
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Escalus. Look you bring me in the names of some six or seven,
Elbow. To your worship's house, sir? |
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(stage directions). [Enter, on one side, DUKE VINCENTIO disguised as]
Elbow. Nay, if there be no remedy for it, but that you will
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Pompey. 'Twas never merry world since, of two usuries, the
Elbow. Come your way, sir. 'Bless you, good father friar. |
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Vincentio. And you, good brother father. What offence hath
Elbow. Marry, sir, he hath offended the law: and, sir, we
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Vincentio. Nay, if the devil have given thee proofs for sin,
Elbow. He must before the deputy, sir; he has given him
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Vincentio. That we were all, as some would seem to be,
Elbow. His neck will come to your waist,—a cord, sir. |
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Lucio. Why, 'tis not amiss, Pompey. Farewell: go, say I
Elbow. For being a bawd, for being a bawd. |
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Lucio. Does Bridget paint still, Pompey, ha? Elbow. Come your ways, sir; come. |
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Lucio. Then, Pompey, nor now. What news abroad, friar?
Elbow. Come your ways, sir; come. |