Speeches (Lines) for Cloten in "Cymbeline"
Total: 77
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Act, Scene, Line
(Click to see in context) |
Speech text |
1 |
I,2,239 |
If my shirt were bloody, then to shift it. Have I hurt him?
2 |
I,2,245 |
The villain would not stand me.
3 |
I,2,250 |
I would they had not come between us.
4 |
I,2,253 |
And that she should love this fellow and refuse me!
5 |
I,2,261 |
Come, I'll to my chamber. Would there had been some
hurt done!
6 |
I,2,265 |
You'll go with us?
7 |
I,2,267 |
Nay, come, let's go together.
8 |
II,1,851 |
Was there ever man had such luck! when I kissed the
jack, upon an up-cast to be hit away! I had a
hundred pound on't: and then a whoreson jackanapes
must take me up for swearing; as if I borrowed mine
oaths of him and might not spend them at my pleasure.
9 |
II,1,860 |
When a gentleman is disposed to swear, it is not for
any standers-by to curtail his oaths, ha?
10 |
II,1,865 |
Whoreson dog! I give him satisfaction?
Would he had been one of my rank!
11 |
II,1,868 |
I am not vexed more at any thing in the earth: a
pox on't! I had rather not be so noble as I am;
they dare not fight with me, because of the queen my
mother: every Jack-slave hath his bellyful of
fighting, and I must go up and down like a cock that
nobody can match.
12 |
II,1,876 |
Sayest thou?
13 |
II,1,879 |
No, I know that: but it is fit I should commit
offence to my inferiors.
14 |
II,1,882 |
Why, so I say.
15 |
II,1,884 |
A stranger, and I not know on't!
16 |
II,1,889 |
Leonatus! a banished rascal; and he's another,
whatsoever he be. Who told you of this stranger?
17 |
II,1,892 |
Is it fit I went to look upon him? is there no
derogation in't?
18 |
II,1,895 |
Not easily, I think.
19 |
II,1,898 |
Come, I'll go see this Italian: what I have lost
to-day at bowls I'll win to-night of him. Come, go.
20 |
II,3,980 |
It would make any man cold to lose.
21 |
II,3,983 |
Winning will put any man into courage. If I could
get this foolish Imogen, I should have gold enough.
It's almost morning, is't not?
22 |
II,3,987 |
I would this music would come: I am advised to give
her music o' mornings; they say it will penetrate.
[Enter Musicians]
Come on; tune: if you can penetrate her with your
fingering, so; we'll try with tongue too: if none
will do, let her remain; but I'll never give o'er.
First, a very excellent good-conceited thing;
after, a wonderful sweet air, with admirable rich
words to it: and then let her consider.
Hark, hark! the lark at heaven's gate sings,
And Phoebus 'gins arise,
His steeds to water at those springs
On chaliced flowers that lies;
And winking Mary-buds begin
To ope their golden eyes:
With every thing that pretty is,
My lady sweet, arise:
Arise, arise.
23 |
II,3,1006 |
So, get you gone. If this penetrate, I will
consider your music the better: if it do not, it is
a vice in her ears, which horse-hairs and
calves'-guts, nor the voice of unpaved eunuch to
boot, can never amend.
24 |
II,3,1013 |
I am glad I was up so late; for that's the reason I
was up so early: he cannot choose but take this
service I have done fatherly.
Good morrow to your majesty and to my gracious mother.
25 |
II,3,1020 |
I have assailed her with music, but she vouchsafes no notice.
26 |
II,3,1035 |
Senseless! not so.
27 |
II,3,1049 |
If she be up, I'll speak with her; if not,
Let her lie still and dream.
By your leave, ho!
I Know her women are about her: what
If I do line one of their hands? 'Tis gold
Which buys admittance; oft it doth; yea, and makes
Diana's rangers false themselves, yield up
Their deer to the stand o' the stealer; and 'tis gold
Which makes the true man kill'd and saves the thief;
Nay, sometime hangs both thief and true man: what
Can it not do and undo? I will make
One of her women lawyer to me, for
I yet not understand the case myself.
By your leave.
28 |
II,3,1067 |
A gentleman.
29 |
II,3,1069 |
Yes, and a gentlewoman's son.
30 |
II,3,1073 |
Your lady's person: is she ready?
31 |
II,3,1076 |
There is gold for you;
Sell me your good report.
32 |
II,3,1081 |
Good morrow, fairest: sister, your sweet hand.
33 |
II,3,1087 |
Still, I swear I love you.
34 |
II,3,1091 |
This is no answer.
35 |
II,3,1097 |
To leave you in your madness, 'twere my sin:
I will not.
36 |
II,3,1100 |
Do you call me fool?
37 |
II,3,1111 |
You sin against
Obedience, which you owe your father. For
The contract you pretend with that base wretch,
One bred of alms and foster'd with cold dishes,
With scraps o' the court, it is no contract, none:
And though it be allow'd in meaner parties—
Yet who than he more mean?—to knit their souls,
On whom there is no more dependency
But brats and beggary, in self-figured knot;
Yet you are curb'd from that enlargement by
The consequence o' the crown, and must not soil
The precious note of it with a base slave.
A hilding for a livery, a squire's cloth,
A pantler, not so eminent.
38 |
II,3,1133 |
The south-fog rot him!
39 |
II,3,1140 |
'His garment!' Now the devil—
40 |
II,3,1142 |
'His garment!'
41 |
II,3,1156 |
You have abused me:
'His meanest garment!'
42 |
II,3,1160 |
I will inform your father.
43 |
II,3,1166 |
I'll be revenged:
'His meanest garment!' Well.
44 |
III,1,1423 |
There be many Caesars,
Ere such another Julius. Britain is
A world by itself; and we will nothing pay
For wearing our own noses.
45 |
III,1,1446 |
Come, there's no more tribute to be paid: our
kingdom is stronger than it was at that time; and,
as I said, there is no moe such Caesars: other of
them may have crook'd noses, but to owe such
straight arms, none.
46 |
III,1,1452 |
We have yet many among us can gripe as hard as
Cassibelan: I do not say I am one; but I have a
hand. Why tribute? why should we pay tribute? If
Caesar can hide the sun from us with a blanket, or
put the moon in his pocket, we will pay him tribute
for light; else, sir, no more tribute, pray you now.
47 |
III,1,1467 |
[with Lords] We do.
48 |
III,1,1495 |
His majesty bids you welcome. Make
pastime with us a day or two, or longer: if
you seek us afterwards in other terms, you
shall find us in our salt-water girdle: if you
beat us out of it, it is yours; if you fall in
the adventure, our crows shall fare the better
for you; and there's an end.
49 |
III,5,1961 |
Receive it friendly; but from this time forth
I wear it as your enemy.
50 |
III,5,1970 |
'Tis all the better;
Your valiant Britons have their wishes in it.
51 |
III,5,2014 |
That man of hers, Pisanio, her old servant,
have not seen these two days.
52 |
III,5,2030 |
'Tis certain she is fled.
Go in and cheer the king: he rages; none
Dare come about him.
53 |
III,5,2036 |
I love and hate her: for she's fair and royal,
And that she hath all courtly parts more exquisite
Than lady, ladies, woman; from every one
The best she hath, and she, of all compounded,
Outsells them all; I love her therefore: but
Disdaining me and throwing favours on
The low Posthumus slanders so her judgment
That what's else rare is choked; and in that point
I will conclude to hate her, nay, indeed,
To be revenged upon her. For when fools Shall—
Who is here? What, are you packing, sirrah?
Come hither: ah, you precious pander! Villain,
Where is thy lady? In a word; or else
Thou art straightway with the fiends.
54 |
III,5,2052 |
Where is thy lady? Or, by Jupiter,—
I will not ask again. Close villain,
I'll have this secret from thy heart, or rip
Thy heart to find it. Is she with Posthumus?
From whose so many weights of baseness cannot
A dram of worth be drawn.
55 |
III,5,2061 |
Where is she, sir? Come nearer;
No further halting: satisfy me home
What is become of her.
56 |
III,5,2065 |
All-worthy villain!
Discover where thy mistress is at once,
At the next word: no more of 'worthy lord!'
Speak, or thy silence on the instant is
Thy condemnation and thy death.
57 |
III,5,2074 |
Let's see't. I will pursue her
Even to Augustus' throne.
58 |
III,5,2079 |
59 |
III,5,2082 |
Sirrah, is this letter true?
60 |
III,5,2084 |
It is Posthumus' hand; I know't. Sirrah, if thou
wouldst not be a villain, but do me true service,
undergo those employments wherein I should have
cause to use thee with a serious industry, that is,
what villany soe'er I bid thee do, to perform it
directly and truly, I would think thee an honest
man: thou shouldst neither want my means for thy
relief nor my voice for thy preferment.
61 |
III,5,2093 |
Wilt thou serve me? for since patiently and
constantly thou hast stuck to the bare fortune of
that beggar Posthumus, thou canst not, in the
course of gratitude, but be a diligent follower of
mine: wilt thou serve me?
62 |
III,5,2099 |
Give me thy hand; here's my purse. Hast any of thy
late master's garments in thy possession?
63 |
III,5,2103 |
The first service thou dost me, fetch that suit
hither: let it be thy lint service; go.
64 |
III,5,2107 |
Meet thee at Milford-Haven!—I forgot to ask him one
thing; I'll remember't anon:—even there, thou
villain Posthumus, will I kill thee. I would these
garments were come. She said upon a time—the
bitterness of it I now belch from my heart—that she
held the very garment of Posthumus in more respect
than my noble and natural person together with the
adornment of my qualities. With that suit upon my
back, will I ravish her: first kill him, and in her
eyes; there shall she see my valour, which will then
be a torment to her contempt. He on the ground, my
speech of insultment ended on his dead body, and
when my lust hath dined,—which, as I say, to vex
her I will execute in the clothes that she so
praised,—to the court I'll knock her back, foot
her home again. She hath despised me rejoicingly,
and I'll be merry in my revenge.
[Re-enter PISANIO, with the clothes]
Be those the garments?
65 |
III,5,2127 |
How long is't since she went to Milford-Haven?
66 |
III,5,2129 |
Bring this apparel to my chamber; that is the second
thing that I have commanded thee: the third is,
that thou wilt be a voluntary mute to my design. Be
but duteous, and true preferment shall tender itself
to thee. My revenge is now at Milford: would I had
wings to follow it! Come, and be true.
67 |
IV,1,2287 |
I am near to the place where they should meet, if
Pisanio have mapped it truly. How fit his garments
serve me! Why should his mistress, who was made by
him that made the tailor, not be fit too? the
rather—saving reverence of the word—for 'tis said
a woman's fitness comes by fits. Therein I must
play the workman. I dare speak it to myself—for it
is not vain-glory for a man and his glass to confer
in his own chamber—I mean, the lines of my body are
as well drawn as his; no less young, more strong,
not beneath him in fortunes, beyond him in the
advantage of the time, above him in birth, alike
conversant in general services, and more remarkable
in single oppositions: yet this imperceiverant
thing loves him in my despite. What mortality is!
Posthumus, thy head, which now is growing upon thy
shoulders, shall within this hour be off; thy
mistress enforced; thy garments cut to pieces before
thy face: and all this done, spurn her home to her
father; who may haply be a little angry for my so
rough usage; but my mother, having power of his
testiness, shall turn all into my commendations. My
horse is tied up safe: out, sword, and to a sore
purpose! Fortune, put them into my hand! This is
the very description of their meeting-place; and
the fellow dares not deceive me.
68 |
IV,2,2399 |
I cannot find those runagates; that villain
Hath mock'd me. I am faint.
69 |
IV,2,2410 |
Soft! What are you
That fly me thus? some villain mountaineers?
I have heard of such. What slave art thou?
70 |
IV,2,2416 |
Thou art a robber,
A law-breaker, a villain: yield thee, thief.
71 |
IV,2,2423 |
Thou villain base,
Know'st me not by my clothes?
72 |
IV,2,2428 |
Thou precious varlet,
My tailor made them not.
73 |
IV,2,2433 |
Thou injurious thief,
Hear but my name, and tremble.
74 |
IV,2,2436 |
Cloten, thou villain.
75 |
IV,2,2441 |
To thy further fear,
Nay, to thy mere confusion, thou shalt know
I am son to the queen.
76 |
IV,2,2446 |
Art not afeard?
77 |
IV,2,2449 |
Die the death:
When I have slain thee with my proper hand,
I'll follow those that even now fled hence,
And on the gates of Lud's-town set your heads:
Yield, rustic mountaineer.