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Though last, not least in love.

      — Julius Caesar, Act III Scene 1


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Shakespeare concordance:
word forms beginning with N


554 total word forms

Select a word to see where it occurs
in the texts, as well as related words.

Numbers indicate the total occurences of each word form.

not (8,855)
no (3,969)
now (2,933)
never (1,075)
nor (1,028)
night (703)
name (683)
nothing (654)
noble (628)
nay (602)
none (501)
nature (364)
news (317)
ne'er (246)
near (219)
new (208)
neither (198)
need (187)
next (171)
note (156)
needs (152)
noise (112)
nurse (111)
neck (79)
northumberland (68)
norfolk (66)
nose (66)
nought (63)
niece (61)
nine (60)
natural (59)
naked (56)
number (54)
names (50)
neighbour (46)
nature's (45)
numbers (44)
native (42)
nobles (40)
nights (39)
necessity (39)
nobly (38)
north (37)
nobility (36)
nestor (32)
notice (31)
nails (31)
newly (31)
nice (31)
nation (30)
naples (30)
needful (30)
nephew (29)
nerissa (28)
nest (28)
natures (26)
nimble (26)
night's (26)
naught (25)
neglect (25)
noted (25)
neighbours (24)
nightly (24)
nym (24)
nearer (23)
notwithstanding (22)
notes (22)
named (21)
nobody (21)
necessary (20)
nobler (20)
ned (20)
nigh (19)
nuptial (19)
nod (19)
narrow (18)
noon (18)
nuncle (17)
noblest (17)
nobleness (16)
nobleman (16)
neglected (16)
nativity (15)
notorious (15)
negligence (15)
nell (15)
naughty (15)
norway (14)
napkin (14)
notable (14)
noses (13)
nearest (12)
neptune's (12)
necessities (12)
nymphs (12)
nathaniel (12)
nail (11)
net (11)
neat (11)
nan (11)
northern (11)
necks (11)
needless (11)
neptune (11)
nicholas (10)
needle (10)
navarre (10)
non (10)
nightingale (10)
nations (9)
new-made (9)
nymph (9)
niggard (9)
navy (9)
neigh (8)
name's (8)
nicely (8)
newer (7)
nourish (7)
nick (7)
normandy (7)
needy (7)
nursed (7)
noblemen (7)
number'd (7)
nerves (7)
negligent (7)
necessaries (6)
ninth (6)
nourish'd (6)
nile (6)
napkins (6)
nut (6)
nearly (6)
nether (6)
new-born (6)
namely (6)
nilus (6)
ne (6)
nun (6)
nettles (6)
nettle (5)
nurse's (5)
noisome (5)
neighing (5)
nimbly (5)
nursery (5)
nunnery (5)
nostril (5)
nods (5)
neighbouring (5)
nephews (5)
newest (5)
nevils (5)
neat's (5)
neighs (5)
nursing (5)
naming (5)
nonino (4)
nothings (4)
nill (4)
niggardly (4)
nuns (4)
nowhere (4)
neapolitan (4)
naturally (4)
neighbour's (4)
noises (4)
ninny's (4)
nightgown (4)
now's (4)
nameless (4)
nakedness (4)
nostrils (4)
numbering (4)
night-gown (4)
nonpareil (4)
need'st (4)
nap (4)
noting (4)
nero (4)
nineteen (4)
nonce (3)
neighbour'd (3)
northampton (3)
nominate (3)
neglection (3)
norman (3)
nave (3)
new-married (3)
neutral (3)
nourishment (3)
nephew's (3)
norweyan (3)
nam'd (3)
now-a-days (3)
newness (3)
new-fangled (3)
narrowly (3)
nips (3)
nonny (3)
nests (3)
novelty (3)
nip (3)
nodding (3)
narbon (3)
nectar (3)
nourished (3)
noddy (3)
neighbourhood (3)
nony (3)
nomination (3)
numb (3)
neglecting (3)
novice (3)
northward (3)
narcissus (3)
needed (3)
normans (3)
near'st (3)
notion (3)
needles (3)
new-fall'n (3)
noontide (3)
nets (3)
nightwork (3)
nicanor (2)
nettled (2)
notis (2)
nipping (2)
novices (2)
new-fired (2)
nessus (2)
nickname (2)
nodded (2)
nation's (2)
nointed (2)
newt (2)
nit (2)
noiseless (2)
nag (2)
naso (2)
norfolk's (2)
nevil (2)
nutshell (2)
nipple (2)
nominativo (2)
nasty (2)
new-deliver'd (2)
nob (2)
nuts (2)
new-heal'd (2)
nouns (2)
nay-word (2)
nutmeg (2)
noble-minded (2)
neaf (2)
negotiate (2)
nearness (2)
noised (2)
needing (2)
notify (2)
notoriously (2)
new-appearing (2)
numberless (2)
neanmoins (2)
north-gate (2)
nibbling (2)
neighbourly (2)
nedar's (2)
night-wanderers (2)
nominated (2)
noon-tide (2)
nook (2)
nighted (2)
note-book (2)
notary (2)
napping (2)
nerve (2)
night-owl (2)
nourisheth (2)
nimble-footed (2)
nightingales (2)
nemean (2)
nurture (2)
nuptials (2)
nut-hook (2)
nurses (2)
new-found (2)
ninus (2)
nostra (1)
newgate (1)
nated (1)
new-trimm'd (1)
nevil's (1)
navel (1)
noes (1)
night-walking (1)
nemesis (1)
nobis (1)
non-payment (1)
night-raven (1)
never-ending (1)
north-north-east (1)
neapolitan's (1)
noseshorns (1)
news-mongers (1)
non-regardance (1)
nun's (1)
never-withering (1)
numbness (1)
nourishes (1)
ne'er-cloying (1)
notably (1)
nazarite (1)
new-sad (1)
niobes (1)
never-heard-of (1)
nonage (1)
needeth (1)
notary's (1)
notched (1)
nettle-seed (1)
non-come (1)
non-performance (1)
nefas (1)
nervy (1)
neb (1)
nice-preserved (1)
night-wandering (1)
none-sparing (1)
nursh-a (1)
new-devised (1)
new-varnish'd (1)
night-waking (1)
north-north-west (1)
new-apparelled (1)
new-built (1)
nubibus (1)
never-quenching (1)
neighbors (1)
night-watch (1)
nook-shotten (1)
nebuchadnezzar (1)
north-east (1)
n'avez (1)
niece's (1)
nightingale's (1)
new-transformed (1)
neat-herd's (1)
night-tripping (1)
neat-herds (1)
noyance (1)
nervii (1)
narines (1)
nicander (1)
not-to-be-endured (1)
niobe (1)
nail'd (1)
navigation (1)
noisemaker (1)
nuptial-day (1)
nether-stocks (1)
new-create (1)
noon-day (1)
not-god (1)
neatly (1)
new-burn'd (1)
night-owls (1)
night-bird (1)
numa's (1)
new-beloved (1)
nimble-pinion'd (1)
northumberlands (1)
noah's (1)
new-dated (1)
needest (1)
neroes (1)
navy's (1)
nimbler (1)
norways (1)
nuthook's (1)
nor's (1)
night-foes (1)
noces (1)
necessitied (1)
nieces (1)
neithertis (1)
noun (1)
notest (1)
negotiations (1)
new-year's (1)
northerly (1)
naps (1)
nuzzling (1)
napes (1)
nose-gays (1)
negative (1)
night-flies (1)
nick'd (1)
nestor-like (1)
new-ta'en (1)
numbs (1)
neeze (1)
nutriment (1)
neapolitans (1)
needfull (1)
neigh'd (1)
night-rest (1)
nosegays (1)
nurseth (1)
nebor (1)
new-come (1)
necklace (1)
nags (1)
night-cap (1)
night-dogs (1)
new-enkindled (1)
ne'ertheless (1)
newborn (1)
nightmare (1)
nestor's (1)
noddles (1)
niggarding (1)
norbery (1)
needle-work (1)
no-verbs (1)
nurse-like (1)
note's (1)
neer (1)
nayword (1)
nayward (1)
nursest (1)
northumberland's (1)
northamptonshire (1)
neuter (1)
new-crowned (1)
necessity's (1)
not-withstanding (1)
night-owl's (1)
notedly (1)
night-rule (1)
narrow-mouth'd (1)
near-legg'd (1)
ne'er-yet-beaten (1)
new-planted (1)
neoptolemus (1)
name't (1)
never-surfeited (1)
night-shriek (1)
negro's (1)
nicety (1)
noseless (1)
novel (1)
napless (1)
nerissa's (1)
nick-name (1)
novi (1)
never's (1)
noble's (1)
new-hatch'd (1)
notre (1)
new'st (1)
note-worthy (1)
night-crow (1)
nomi (1)
not-princely (1)
nothing-gift (1)
never-dying (1)
nought's (1)
neighbour-stained (1)
nous (1)
never-conquer'd (1)
nurser (1)
night-oblations (1)
novum (1)
negation (1)
new-sprung (1)
nihil (1)
nicer (1)
nec (1)
never-needed (1)
new-added (1)
namest (1)
nutmegs (1)
night-caps (1)
new-bleeding (1)
ne'er-lust-wearied (1)
new-tuned (1)
new-christen'd (1)
noteth (1)
not-pated (1)
naturalize (1)
nineth (1)
noah (1)
new-shed (1)
needly (1)
nicks (1)
nuncio's (1)
new-trothed (1)
noddle (1)
non-pareil (1)
new-store (1)
ninescore (1)
naughtily (1)
needer (1)
not-fearing (1)
neglect'st (1)
never-daunted (1)
noblesse (1)
nibbler (1)
numb'd (1)
nourisher (1)
new-begot (1)
newts (1)
nose-herbs (1)
nipp'd (1)
nole (1)
new-dyed (1)
nonsuits (1)
nathaniel's (1)
nereides (1)
necessarily (1)
news-cramm'd (1)
narrow-prying (1)
naiads (1)
needle's (1)
negatives (1)
noble-ending (1)
noster (1)
night-brawler (1)
nobility's (1)
neglectingly (1)
natifs (1)
nimbleness (1)
nicely-gawded (1)
near's (1)
n'est (1)
niceness (1)
noblest-minded (1)
netherlands (1)
never-resting (1)
numbered (1)
nothing's (1)
nooks (1)
now-born (1)
nose-painting (1)
new-kill'd (1)
nousle (1)
nourishing (1)
night-tapers (1)
new-conceived (1)
new-bent (1)
new-waxen (1)

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