[KING HENRY enters with his power. Alarum to the battle. Then enter DOUGLAS and SIR WALTER BLUNT]
- Blunt. What is thy name, that in the battle thus
Thou crossest me? what honour dost thou seek
2880 Upon my head?
- Earl of Douglas. Know then, my name is Douglas;
And I do haunt thee in the battle thus
Because some tell me that thou art a king.
- Blunt. They tell thee true.
- Earl of Douglas. The Lord of Stafford dear to-day hath bought
Thy likeness, for instead of thee, King Harry,
This sword hath ended him: so shall it thee,
Unless thou yield thee as my prisoner.
- Blunt. I was not born a yielder, thou proud Scot;
And thou shalt find a king that will revenge
Lord Stafford's death.
[They fight. DOUGLAS kills SIR WALTER BLUNT.
- Hotspur (Henry Percy). O Douglas, hadst thou fought at Holmedon thus,
never had triumph'd upon a Scot.
- Earl of Douglas. All's done, all's won; here breathless lies the king.
- Hotspur (Henry Percy). Where?
- Hotspur (Henry Percy). This, Douglas? no: I know this face full well:
A gallant knight he was, his name was Blunt;
Semblably furnish'd like the king himself.
- Earl of Douglas. A fool go with thy soul, whither it goes!
A borrow'd title hast thou bought too dear:
Why didst thou tell me that thou wert a king?
- Hotspur (Henry Percy). The king hath many marching in his coats.
- Earl of Douglas. Now, by my sword, I will kill all his coats;
I'll murder all his wardrobe, piece by piece,
Until I meet the king.
- Hotspur (Henry Percy). Up, and away!
Our soldiers stand full fairly for the day.
[Alarum. Enter FALSTAFF, solus]
- Falstaff. Though I could 'scape shot-free at London, I fear
the shot here; here's no scoring but upon the pate.
2915 Soft! who are you? Sir Walter Blunt: there's honour
for you! here's no vanity! I am as hot as moulten
lead, and as heavy too: God keep lead out of me! I
need no more weight than mine own bowels. I have
led my ragamuffins where they are peppered: there's
2920 not three of my hundred and fifty left alive; and
they are for the town's end, to beg during life.
But who comes here?
- Henry V. What, stand'st thou idle here? lend me thy sword:
Many a nobleman lies stark and stiff
Under the hoofs of vaunting enemies,
Whose deaths are yet unrevenged: I prithee,
lend me thy sword.
- Falstaff. O Hal, I prithee, give me leave to breathe awhile.
Turk Gregory never did such deeds in arms as I have
done this day. I have paid Percy, I have made him sure.
- Henry V. He is, indeed; and living to kill thee. I prithee,
lend me thy sword.
- Falstaff. Nay, before God, Hal, if Percy be alive, thou get'st
not my sword; but take my pistol, if thou wilt.
- Henry V. Give it to me: what, is it in the case?
- Falstaff. Ay, Hal; 'tis hot, 'tis hot; there's that will sack a city.
[PRINCE HENRY draws it out, and finds it to be a bottle of sack]
- Henry V. What, is it a time to jest and dally now?
[He throws the bottle at him. Exit]
- Falstaff. Well, if Percy be alive, I'll pierce him. If he do
come in my way, so: if he do not, if I come in his
willingly, let him make a carbonado of me. I like
not such grinning honour as Sir Walter hath: give me
2945 life: which if I can save, so; if not, honour comes
unlooked for, and there's an end.