Speeches (Lines) for Lewis the Dauphin in "Henry V"
Total: 31
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Act, Scene, Line
(Click to see in context) |
Speech text |
1 |
II,4,911 |
My most redoubted father,
It is most meet we arm us 'gainst the foe;
For peace itself should not so dull a kingdom,
Though war nor no known quarrel were in question,
But that defences, musters, preparations,
Should be maintain'd, assembled and collected,
As were a war in expectation.
Therefore, I say 'tis meet we all go forth
To view the sick and feeble parts of France:
And let us do it with no show of fear;
No, with no more than if we heard that England
Were busied with a Whitsun morris-dance:
For, my good liege, she is so idly king'd,
Her sceptre so fantastically borne
By a vain, giddy, shallow, humorous youth,
That fear attends her not.
2 |
II,4,939 |
Well, 'tis not so, my lord high constable;
But though we think it so, it is no matter:
In cases of defence 'tis best to weigh
The enemy more mighty than he seems:
So the proportions of defence are fill'd;
Which of a weak or niggardly projection
Doth, like a miser, spoil his coat with scanting
A little cloth.
3 |
II,4,970 |
Turn head, and stop pursuit; for coward dogs
Most spend their mouths when what they seem to threaten
Runs far before them. Good my sovereign,
Take up the English short, and let them know
Of what a monarchy you are the head:
Self-love, my liege, is not so vile a sin
As self-neglecting.
4 |
II,4,1019 |
For the Dauphin,
I stand here for him: what to him from England?
5 |
II,4,1031 |
Say, if my father render fair return,
It is against my will; for I desire
Nothing but odds with England: to that end,
As matching to his youth and vanity,
I did present him with the Paris balls.
6 |
III,5,1395 |
O Dieu vivant! shall a few sprays of us,
The emptying of our fathers' luxury,
Our scions, put in wild and savage stock,
Spirt up so suddenly into the clouds,
And overlook their grafters?
7 |
III,5,1417 |
By faith and honour,
Our madams mock at us, and plainly say
Our mettle is bred out and they will give
Their bodies to the lust of English youth
To new-store France with bastard warriors.
8 |
III,5,1456 |
Not so, I do beseech your majesty.
9 |
III,7,1648 |
My lord of Orleans, and my lord high constable, you
talk of horse and armour?
10 |
III,7,1651 |
What a long night is this! I will not change my
horse with any that treads but on four pasterns.
Ca, ha! he bounds from the earth, as if his
entrails were hairs; le cheval volant, the Pegasus,
chez les narines de feu! When I bestride him, I
soar, I am a hawk: he trots the air; the earth
sings when he touches it; the basest horn of his
hoof is more musical than the pipe of Hermes.
11 |
III,7,1660 |
And of the heat of the ginger. It is a beast for
Perseus: he is pure air and fire; and the dull
elements of earth and water never appear in him, but
only in Patient stillness while his rider mounts
him: he is indeed a horse; and all other jades you
may call beasts.
12 |
III,7,1667 |
It is the prince of palfreys; his neigh is like the
bidding of a monarch and his countenance enforces homage.
13 |
III,7,1670 |
Nay, the man hath no wit that cannot, from the
rising of the lark to the lodging of the lamb, vary
deserved praise on my palfrey: it is a theme as
fluent as the sea: turn the sands into eloquent
tongues, and my horse is argument for them all:
'tis a subject for a sovereign to reason on, and for
a sovereign's sovereign to ride on; and for the
world, familiar to us and unknown to lay apart
their particular functions and wonder at him. I
once writ a sonnet in his praise and began thus:
'Wonder of nature,'—
14 |
III,7,1682 |
Then did they imitate that which I composed to my
courser, for my horse is my mistress.
15 |
III,7,1685 |
Me well; which is the prescript praise and
perfection of a good and particular mistress.
16 |
III,7,1689 |
So perhaps did yours.
17 |
III,7,1691 |
O then belike she was old and gentle; and you rode,
like a kern of Ireland, your French hose off, and in
your straight strossers.
18 |
III,7,1695 |
Be warned by me, then: they that ride so and ride
not warily, fall into foul bogs. I had rather have
my horse to my mistress.
19 |
III,7,1699 |
I tell thee, constable, my mistress wears his own hair.
20 |
III,7,1702 |
'Le chien est retourne a son propre vomissement, et
la truie lavee au bourbier;' thou makest use of any thing.
21 |
III,7,1709 |
Some of them will fall to-morrow, I hope.
22 |
III,7,1711 |
That may be, for you bear a many superfluously, and
'twere more honour some were away.
23 |
III,7,1715 |
Would I were able to load him with his desert! Will
it never be day? I will trot to-morrow a mile, and
my way shall be paved with English faces.
24 |
III,7,1723 |
'Tis midnight; I'll go arm myself.
25 |
IV,2,2164 |
Montez A cheval! My horse! varlet! laquais! ha!
26 |
IV,2,2166 |
Via! les eaux et la terre.
27 |
IV,2,2168 |
Ciel, cousin Orleans.
[Enter Constable]
Now, my lord constable!
28 |
IV,2,2172 |
Mount them, and make incision in their hides,
That their hot blood may spin in English eyes,
And dout them with superfluous courage, ha!
29 |
IV,2,2222 |
Shall we go send them dinners and fresh suits
And give their fasting horses provender,
And after fight with them?
30 |
IV,5,2452 |
Mort de ma vie! all is confounded, all!
Reproach and everlasting shame
Sits mocking in our plumes. O merchante fortune!
Do not run away.
31 |
IV,5,2458 |
O perdurable shame! let's stab ourselves.
Be these the wretches that we play'd at dice for?