Speeches (Lines) for Second Merchant
# | Act, Scene, Line (Click to see in context) |
Speech text |
1 |
You know since Pentecost the sum is due,
2 |
The hour steals on; I pray you, sir, dispatch. |
3 |
My business cannot brook this dalliance.
4 |
Well, officer, arrest him at my suit. |
5 |
How is the man esteemed here in the city? |
6 |
Speak softly; yonder, as I think, he walks. |
7 |
Yes, that you did, sir, and forswore it too. |
8 |
These ears of mine, thou know'st did hear thee.
9 |
I dare, and do defy thee for a villain. |
10 |
I am sorry now that I did draw on him. |
11 |
By this, I think, the dial points at five:
12 |
To see a reverend Syracusian merchant,
13 |
Besides, I will be sworn these ears of mine